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Internet preditions for 2011

Another new year and so are the predictions (the world and the web are full of those). Here is the quick snap shot of what web pundits are predicting:

Facebook will feel pressure: Facebook emerged as king in Social Networking in 2010 while others Google Wave, Orkut, Myspace failed miserably. Facebook came under the clouts of privacy laws and in coming years will face the heat and the social pressure. Mobiles (rather say Steve Jobs) will try to redefine social networking on mobiles. Instagram buzzed early trends in 2010 and Web Summit 2.0 already had talks about mobiles roles in social networking.

Web based Application Development:
With Android gaining popularity as new platform and emergence of new hardware devices (tablets), more mashup-able Apps will be developed. It definitely depends how the demand-supply equation of tablets goes in the market. With the lowering of hardware prices reaching "affordable domain", cloud computing and development tools framework will focus upon portable (or cross-screen) application development. Whether it is Flash or Flex or Siliverlight or HTML5, the target is to design user interfaces for multi-devices, especially mobile based web-designing (better say experience design) will be on higher priority (in comparison to desktop screens).

E-Books Publishing: Amazon's Kindle, Apple's iPad and many other e-readers/tablets emerged in the market in last few years. With the increase in adoption of tablets, ebooks business will definitely get a boost. However the war among the e-readers is yet to go in full swing. It is still not over. Price-war hasn't started yet (note a Kindle book of $9.99 is still very expensive.)

TVs and convergence: TV models will see the convergence of mobile, internet and setup boxes. This has been pending for a long time. 3D TV still in its infancy shape will remain as it is. Let us see if your living room TV becomes an important collaboration and communication resource. Wake up CISCO giant, see if it can trigger this innovation or will it come from a small start up. Let us see what CES 2011 has to show?

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